
Monday, September 30, 2013

Be Positive or Be Quiet

So, update! I finished 31 days with Jesus yesterday! What an amazing journey that was. Truth be told, I've needed lots of encouragement lately. My classes this year are really difficult and I have been overwhelmed with all the work its taking. I'm trying my very best to stay positive. Today was a pretty rough day and I was taking it kind of hard. But, as soon as I got home I watched Joel Osteen's sermon called "Be Positive or Be Quiet" and let me tell you, that's probably his best sermon ever. He said exactly what I've been needing to hear. It was like God brought me to that video because I needed to hear it. Anyways, Joel said a few extremely eye opening and inspiring things. Joel said "negative words can keep you from your God given destiny." Wow. That message is definitely eye opening to me. I feel like I am always talking myself down and being negative and I never realized how much I could be missing out on all because of my negative words. Joel also said that we talk ourselves out of things that God has planned for us because we believe we aren't good enough, or that it will never happen. All because of our negative words. I mean, God has SO much in store for us. Why should we talk ourselves out of things we could be doing? This message hit me like no other. Definitely one of the best sermons I've ever heard. After I heard this sermon, I sat there and thought to myself that I am missing out on so many great things because I'm always talking myself down and telling myself that will never happen or that I'm simply not good enough.
On another note, (awkward transition), I have been feeling very very blessed lately with amazing friends. Just in the past year, God has placed so many amazing people in my life. I have been struggling with some things lately and my friends have been there for me so much. Over the summer, I began dating one of my best friends who has blessed me in so many ways. He also listens to me all the time even when I'm not in a great mood he still puts up with me (how sweet). And one of my very best friend's Brianna, who became my best friend just over the past spring, is not only one of the sweetest people I've ever met, she also is a crazy pinterest lover like me. We probably repin each others stuff every single time we pin something. (Just a little obsessed).

I hope to start blogging more often, if you have any suggestions, let me know! 

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